Meet the Program Leads and Collaborators
Peayple's Dialogue is a collaborative initiative designed to foster open communication and exchange among the Austin Peay State University community. By partnering with APSU TV, we are able to reach a wider audience and promote a more inclusive campus environment.
Program Leads
Christopher Clarke
Assistant Vice President
Community Belonging
Lindsey Gilmore
Associate Vice President
Campus Engagement
Robert Baron
Professor & Chair
Dept. of Communication
SGA serves as the voice of the student body. Comprised of the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Branches, SGA meets weekly during the fall and spring semesters to address the needs and concerns of the students.
The CAFE exists to offer dynamic programs and professional learning opportunities that will help retain and cultivate an engaged, collaborative, and diverse faculty at APSU.
The mission of the Office of Institutional Culture is to coordinate and help lead institutional efforts toward creating and maintaining an inclusive campus environment.
APSU-TV produces high-definition television content, providing students in Broadcast Media and Media Technology programs the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with video production from their freshman year at Austin Peay.
SAAC is composed of student-athletes assembled to provide insight on the student-athlete experience. The committee offers input on rules, regulations and policies that affect APSU student-athletes, while participating in community service projects to promote a positive image of the athletic department while enhancing the student-athlete experience.