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Course substitutions

Students may need course substitutions. While any student may need a course substitution, transfer students and military students often require the most course substitutions

General core classes

In general, the Registrar will evaluate a student's transcripts from other institutions, and and apply course substitutions for general core classes, such as English, History, etc. Sometimes, course substitutions are missed. When a student or advisor notices a possible substitution that was missed, the problem can be addressed one of two ways

  1. For straightforward substitutions, the student's advisor should submit a course substitution request in OneStop.
  2. If the substitution is a more complex situation or a substitution error is found in Degree Works, the student's advisor should contact the Registrar to get the problem resolved.

Substitutions for CSCI courses

Most course substitutions for classes related to the student's degree are not handled automatically by the Registrar. The student's advisor will need to review the student's transcripts and submit the appropriate substitution requests. Student's may also request that their advisor review a course on their transcript to see if it could be used as a substitution for a required class.

For students who transfer in a high number of classes, there is a requirement that needs to be taken into consideration when doing a large number of substitutions. All students need 33 hours of upper-division classes in order to graduate. If too many courses are substituted for required classes that are also upper-division classes, the student may be required to take additional classes in order to reach the required 33 hours. In some cases, it is better not to make all possible substitutions so that the student does not run into problems with this requirement.

Elective classes

Any class on a student's transcript that is not used to fulfill a requirement for general core requirements, the student's major requirements, or any minors, will be used as an elective class. In order to graduate, a student needs at least 120 credits of course work. The electives will count towards the total number of credits the student has earned.