Military Students
The department supports a significant number of students associated with the military. This includes active service members, retired service members, R.O.T.C. students, and family members. Students often have questions about their benefits and making sure their class schedule meet any requirements, as well as help with military-related forms. Due to the many rules and regulations associated with this student population, their benefits, and needs, students should be referred to the appropriate department or organization when appropriate. At other times, particularly when dealing with questions related to the department, its degrees, and its classes, advisors will help students directly.
- Organizations
- ArmyIgnitED - replacement for GoArmyEd
- MOS Prior Credit Assessment for CSIT department
This is a short list of relevant groups around campus who work with military students and where detailed information and contacts can be found. In most cases, advisors should have advisees contact these groups directly.
- APSU's general page for military students
APSU's page that contains links and resources for military students. Links to the organizations below, as well as more detailed links, are provided.
- Department of Military Science & Leadership
The department is responsible and primary contact for:
- The Governors Guard, which is the ROTC detachment at APSU.
- Active Duty Soldiers in the Green to Gold program.
- Prior service, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve soldiers interested in the ROTC program.
- Office of Veterans Education Benefits
The primary office that helps veterans with benefits. Information is provided for prospective and current students, and the office will point students to the most current resources.
- Fort Campbell Campus
The Austin Peay Center at Fort Campbell is a one-stop locations for students taking classes at Ft Campbell. In addition to on-site classes taught at the center, services provided at the Center include
- Representatives from admissions, veterans affairs/financial aid, and registrar's office.
- An APSU bookstore is located in the Army Education Center.
- Student may make payments on their accounts and obtain their student IDs at the FCC administrative offices.
- 27 full-time faculty and 2 professional academic advisors assigned to the FCC to provide quality academic support for whichever major you may pursue.
- Veterans Upward Bound
Veterans Upward Bound links eligible adult veteran learners to resources that lead to higher education enrollment and continuous quality of life
- Newton Military Family Resource Center
The Newton Military Family Resource Center provides a place for students to relax and study. They also run the Texts for Vets program which accepts and uses textbook donations to provide textbooks to students free of charge.
As of March 8, 2021, ArmyIgnitED is the portal used by active, guard, and reserve soldiers to register for classes. ArmyIgnitED replaces GoArmyEd, which was shut down February 21, 2021. For complete information about the new program, please refer to the page on ArmyIgnitED.
The new ArmyIgnitED system has resulted in procedural changes that academic advisors need to be aware of to ensure students follow through to receive Tuition Assistance (TA) funding. Here are the basic steps military students will encounter for APSU enrollment:
- Students now need to be cleared for registration. This was not the case under GoArmyEd.
- Student is advised for course selections for upcoming term(s) by their academic advisor and cleared to enroll.
- Student registers for class in AP One-Stop.
- APSU IT will submit those enrollments to ArmyIgnitED every night beginning 9 March through automatic file transfers.
- Students can log-in to their ArmyIgnitED account 24 hours after they register to request
TA for Spring II.
- This step is mandatory for students to receive TA funding for their courses. Advisors should remind these students to avoid funding issues.
- If students have any questions/concerns, The Fort Campbell Center staff is ready to support (931-221-1400).
- For Spring II/B, the last day for military enrollment, due to above processes, is
March 15th. Registering after this date will result in student funded enrollment.
Any add/drops after the start of the term will result in out of pocket costs to the
student in most cases.
ArmyIgnitED will change how we advise Fort Campbell and military students for future terms. Military students no longer have the 60-day registration constraint prior to each term. Because they enroll through AP OneStop, students can register as soon as classes are available. As a result, the information below will be sent to current students so they can be advised and register for Summer AND Fall terms, if students know their long term schedules (i.e. training, deployments, etc.) We will adjust the academic calendar to reflect these changes as well. This process will help improve advising for all students during the summer months when faculty advisors may be unavailable and improve course management with a longer enrollment window.
MOS Prior Credit Assessment for CSIT department
The following are a list of classes students for which students can receive credit for depending on their MOS code while serving in the military. These apply to both active service members and veterans. This process is not currently automated. Advisors should ask student's what their MOS code and level is or was. If it matches one in the table, advisors should put in substitution requests for each class. APSU’s residency 25% requirement, and upper-level credits requirement still apply.
When a student's MOS code matches one in the list, the student should receive credit for all the courses listed for that MOS code. For example, if a student's MOS code and level was MOS 18E level 30, they should they receive credit for all three class : ENGL 1100, CSCI 2700, and CSCI 4200.
MOS code | Courses |
MOS 12B (level 30/40 or above) - Combat Engineer | CSCI 1000, CSCI 1005 |
MOS 13B (level 30/40/50) - Cannon Crewmember | CSCI 1000 |
MOS 18B (level 30/40 or above) - Special Forces Weapons Sergeant | ENGL 1100 |
MOS 18E (level 30/40 or above) - Special Forces Communications Sergeant | ENGL 1100, CSCI 2700, CSCI 4200 |
MOS 18F (level 40/50) - Special Forces Operations and Intelligence Sergeant | ENGL 1100 |
MOS 25B (level 30/40/50) - Information Technology Specialist | CSCI 1000, CSCI 1005, CSCI 2600, CSCI 2700, CSCI 3770, CSCI 3870, CSCI 4520, CSCI 4670, CSCI 4760 |
MOS 25C (level 30/40/50) - Radio Operator-Maintainer | CSCI 1000, CSCI 1005, CSCI 2600, CSCI 2700, CSCI 3770, CSCI 3870, CSCI 4520, CSCI 4670, CSCI 4760 |
MOS 25S (level 30/40/50) - Satellite Communications Systems Operator/Maintainer | CSCI 1000, CSCI 1005, CSCI 2600, CSCI 2700, CSCI 3770, CSCI 3870, CSCI 4520, CSCI 4670, CSCI 4760 |
MOS 25U (level 30/40/50) - Signal Support Systems Specialist | CSCI 1000, CSCI 1005, CSCI 2600, CSCI 2700, CSCI 3770, CSCI 3870, CSCI 4520, CSCI 4670, CSCI 4760, CSCI 4770 |
MOS 35F (level 30/40/50) – Intelligence Analyst | CSCI 2700, CSCI 4400, ENGL 1100 |
MOS 42A (level 30/40/50) - Human Resources Specialist | CSCI 1005 |
MOS 88M (level 30/40/50) – Motor Transport Operator | CSCI 1000 |
MOS 92F (level 30/40/50) - Petroleum & Supply Specialist | CSCI 1000 |
Students may provide documentation with their rank, which should be used to determine the student's level. The level is important since only levels 30 and above are included in the table above. The following is a list of level and rank equivalencies:
- Level 10 – Specialist (PVT to SPC)
- Level 20 – Sergeant (SGT)
- Level 30 - Staff Sergeant (SSG)
- Level 40 - Sergeant First Class (SFC/1SG)
- Level 50 - Master Sergeant (MSG/SGM)
For example, advisors may receive documentation from the student containing information similar to the following:

In this example, the student was promoted to the rank of PFC on 2019-03-19 and was then promoted to SPC-CPL on 2020-10-01. The boxes below SGT, SSG, SFC, and MSG-1SG are blank, so the student has not yet achieved those ranks. Therefore, the highest rank held by this student was SPC-CPL, which, based on the rank/level mapping above, is level 10. In this case, this student would not automatically recieve class credits associated with their MOS code in Table 1 since their level is below 30.
For individuals whose levels are too low OR whose MOS code is not on the list, advisors can still evaluate their transcript on a case-by-case basis.