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Student Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who is my advisor?
  2. How can I contact my advisor?
  3. My OneStop says I don't have an advisor.  How can I request one?
  4. How do I change my catalog year?
  5. How can I tell if a course 16 weeks, 8 weeks, or some other length? How can I tell if a course in on-ground or online?
  6. What are enhanced sections? Do I need to sign up for an enhanced section?
  7. I was able to register for a class on the Main Campus. Why can't I register for a class at Ft Campbell? 

Who is my advisor?

You can find out who your advisor in one of two ways.

You can email CSIT Front Office Staff at apsu_cs@apsu.edu .  They will let you know who your advisor is.

You can also find you advisor through OneStop

  1. Log into OneStop. 
  2. Select Web Self Service
  3. Select Student
  4. Select OneStop Advising page
  5. Your advisor's name will be in the top right corner of the page.

How can I contact my advisor?

All advisors are available by email and phone.  You can find contact information for all the department's faculty is available on the department website.

My OneStop says I don't have an advisor.  How can I request one?

In order to request an advisor, email the CSIT Front Office Staff at apsu_cs@apsu.edu . They will coordinate with the CSIT Department Chair to assign an advisor for you.

How do I change my catalog year?

Do not change your catalog year without first speaking to your academic advisor. Changing your catalog year changes your requirements for graduation and may add additional requirements to your degree plan, affecting when you can graduate.

In order to update to the latest catalog year,

  1. Log into OneStop
  2. Go to ....

How can I tell if a course 16 weeks, 8 weeks, or some other length? How can I tell if a course in on-ground or online?

APSU has a lot of different terms and offers class through the Main Campus and Fort Campbell.

For sections of classes offered at the Main Campus

For sections of classes offered at the Fort Campbell

What are enhanced sections? Do I need to sign up for an enhanced section?

According to the University Academic Regulations in the Undergraduate Bulletin "Students whose ACT, SAT, or placement assessment mathematics, reading, or English scores do not meet the requirements of the Board of Trustees for university-level courses must enroll in an enhanced section of the appropriate core course."

Enhanced sections can be identified by their section numbers which end in an E.  For example, 01E or W2E.  The section titles are also labeled "Enhanced."

A student's OneStop Advising page list any requirements that require an enhanced class.

I was able to register for a class on the Main Campus. Why can't I register for a class at Ft Campbell? 

There are two possible reasons for this issue. 

The first possible reason is that the student's advisor did not click the required boxes in OneStop that allow the student to register for a term at Ft Campbell.  In this case, the student should contact their advisor and ask them to enable it so that they can register for the term.

A second reason that students may have problems registering is that the process is a little different for those terms. In Fall I, Fall II, Spring I, Spring II, and Summer IIII, the registration process opens earlier for uniformed military personnel.  After one or more weeks, registration opens for all students.  Usually, when a student encounters a problem registering, they are a non-military student trying to register for a class during the period reserved for uniformed military personnel.  The Registrar's Academic Calendar shows when registration opens for different student categories.