Maxient Correspondence
The Office of Community Care and Standards at Austin Peay State University (APSU) uses Maxient, a secure, web-based case management system, to communicate with students regarding various matters, including conduct allegations, Student of Concern reports, and informational meeting requests.
If you are involved in a case or a concern has been reported, you will receive an official notification via email from notifications[at] The email will appear sent by an APSU staff member, with their name followed by "(via Maxient)."
Please note that this is a legitimate email from the university and not spam or a phishing attempt.
The email will provide a brief explanation and a secure link to access your notification letter. Once logged in, you can view, print, or download your letter for your records.
If you experience any issues accessing your letter in, please contact the Office of Community Care and Standards at (931) 221-7341 or visit us in MUC 206.