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2024-25 Student Handbook

Military-Affiliated Student Resources

Military affiliated student resources

APSU proudly serves military-affiliated students and families through a variety of programs and services. The Newton Military Family Resource Center and the office of VetSuccess offer resources, assistance and connections to support the success of our APSU military-affiliated community. The APSU Veterans Education Benefits Office provides services to assist military-affiliated students and family members with education benefits. At APSU the term military-affiliated students encompasses veterans, active duty, reservists, national guardsmen, retirees, ROTC students, and family members that attend the university.

Please visit Military and Veterans Affairs for up-to-date information.

The Military-Affiliated Student Resources section includes the following:

Helpful Websites & Phone Numbers:

Academic Calendar www.apsu.edu/academic-calendar 931-221-7150
Career Success Center www.apsu.edu/careers 931-221-6544
Counseling Services www.apsu.edu/health-and-counseling 931-221-6162
Student Disability Resource Center www.apsu.edu/disability 931-221-6230
Financial Aid and Scholarships


Food Pantry




Health Services


Housing, Residence Life and Dining Services


Military-Affiliated Student Success


Newton Military Family Resource Center


Office of the Registrar




Student Account Services




Academic Bulletins


Veterans Education
Benefits Office (VEBO)


VetSuccess on Campus


Writing Center


ArmyIgnitED Assistance


Austin Peay Center at Fort Campbell




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Campus Resources

VetSuccess on Campus

VetSuccess On Campus at APSU is a comprehensive program offering adjustment counseling, support services, career counseling, peer-to-peer mentoring and tutoring, employment assistance and guidance on the full range of VA benefits and health services for veterans.

Located in the Newton Military Family Resource Center (NMFRC), the VetSuccess counselor works with Veterans Affairs (VA) to develop highly innovative and targeted transitional programs, services, and activities for veterans, military and family members to assist with their transition to college life and
to maximize their opportunities for success, both educationally and occupationally.

Please contact VetSuccess at NMFRC@apsu.edu or call 931-221-1685 for assistance, or visit our website at www.apsu.edu/mva/vet-success/index.php.

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Veterans Education Benefits Office (VEBO)

The Veterans Education Benefits Office assists active-duty service members, veterans, reservists, Guardsmen and family members with U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs education benefits, VA Veteran Readiness & Employment (VA VR&E) program, and other services. VEBO is located in the Ellington Student Services Building, room 202, 931-221-7760, www.apsu.edu/mva/veterans-education-benefits. Students may contact VEBO for assistance with VA education benefits, VA VR&E program and other

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William E. and Sadako Newton Military Family Resource Center

The Newton Military Family Resource Center supports military-affiliated students during the transition to college life and throughout their college experience. The Newton Center provides assistance with applying for admission, accessing financial aid and Veterans educational benefits, selecting programs of study, registering for courses, supporting progress to graduation and assistance securing employment after graduation. Located at 426 College Street, the center houses Austin Peay’s Military & Veterans Affairs division, a VetSuccess on Campus Counselor, a Military-Affiliated Career Advising Specialist, a Military-Affiliated Student Success Professional and a Veterans Upward Bound Academic Coordinator. 

The center offers the Texts for Vets program which loans available textbooks to students free of charge through the Woodward Library, and the Green Zone training program which trains faculty and staff to be a resource and ally for military-affiliated students. Those completing training are identified by a Green Zone emblem located outside their office door or on their syllabi.

The Newton Center offers a place for all APSU students to study, collaborate and socialize. The center also brings military-affiliated students and the community together, serves as an advocate for military-affiliated students and hosts a variety of educational and engaging events.

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Army uniformed military personnel utilizing Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) will access the ArmyIgnitED 2.0 portal to request tuition assistance for courses that they have already registered for in AP OneStop. Soldiers must have an approved education path with APSU and be approved for FTA prior to the start of each term to ensure courses are financially covered. For assistance with ArmyIgnitED 2.0, please call 931-221-1400 or email apfortcampbell@apsu.edu.

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Tennessee STRONG Act (for National Guard)

Members of the Tennessee Army and Air National Guard (TNG) may be eligible for state tuition reimbursement through the Tennessee National Guard STRONG Act Tuition Reimbursement program. APSU is an approved school for associate, bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The STRONG Act funds up to 120 credit hours leading to a bachelor’s degree and 40 credit hours toward a master’s degree through a reimbursement process. Students must apply through the TNG website and be approved to receive tuition deferment each term. FTA must be used in conjunction with Strong Act tuition reimbursement. Students are solely responsible for submitting all required documents on time. For more information, visit www.tn.gov/military/programs-benefits/education-incentives/state-taFor APSU assistance, please call 931-221-6347 or visit the Newton Military Family Resource Center at 426 College Street.

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Tennessee Reconnect

Tennessee Reconnect is a last-dollar grant for eligible Tennessee adults to earn an associate degree. Although the Tennessee Reconnect Scholarship is considered a last-dollar scholarship, it does not pay last dollar when utilized at a four-year institution. The scholarship only covers the average state community college costs of tuition and mandatory fees not met by gift aid. Courses must count under course choice counts to be eligible for Tennessee Reconnect funding. For more information, visit www.apsu.edu/scholarships/tennessee-reconnect or contact Financial Aid and Scholarships.

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To see scholarship opportunities, visit www.apsu.edu/mva/scholarships. This website includes a link to the Helping Heroes Grant, which is established and funded from the net proceeds of the Tennessee Lottery and awarded to Tennessee veterans who were honorably discharged and are former or current members of a reserve or Tennessee National Guard unit. Check the university scholarship website for additional opportunities at www.apsu.edu/scholarships.

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Military-Affiliated Career Specialist

The Military-Affiliated Career Specialist can provide individualized support and guidance to help veteran and military-affiliated students begin or advance their careers by translating their military occupational specialty (MOS), skills and experiences into civilian resume language.

Our services include:

Please email nmfrc@apsu.edu to schedule an appointment with a military-affiliated career specialist.

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Career Success Center

In conjunction with the military-affiliated career specialist, the Office of Career Success Center hosts career fairs and events each semester providing opportunities to network with employers, including those designated as veteran-friendly. Additionally, Career Success Center supports military-affiliated students by offering access to Handshake, a job searching and employment platform that all students and alumni can use for assistance. For more information, visit https://www.apsu.edu/careers.

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The Center for Academic Support & Enrichment (CASE) provides free tutoring to help students achieve their educational goals. Tutoring is offered in person and online to accommodate student schedules. The website inclues a list of available classes and other information: apsu.edu/case 

• In-person and online tutoring at the Clarksville campus can be scheduled through your AP Navigate account, emailing tutoring@apsu.edu or calling 931-221-6550.

• Free online tutoring is available 24/7 to undergraduate students through Tutor.com. Log into D2L, select the course in which you need help, click “Resources” then “Tutor.com 24/7.” This will take you to Tutor.com, which will connect you with a tutor from across the country in the subject area you requested.

The Writing Center,
located on the main floor of the Woodward Library, provides free assistance with any paper. Tutors work with students on all types of written work regardless of writing style. Tutors can help with interpreting assignment instructions, identifying reliable sources, brainstorming and organizing ideas, preventing plagiarism and reviewing the writing process. You can make an in-person, online, or asynchronous appointment by visiting their website at apsu.edu/writingcenter.


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Army ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) provides students with the leadership skills, training and experiences they need to become officers in the U.S. Army or be competitive in any professional field. Army ROTC is an elective curriculum students can take along with their required college classes. Along with leadership training, Army ROTC can pay for qualified students' tuition.

Because Army ROTC is an elective, students may participate during their freshman and sophomore years without any obligation to join the Army. Students who choose to participate in Army ROTC throughout their college careers will participate in challenging physical and mental exercises to prepare to be commissioned as officers in the Army. Junior military officers are paid very competitively with respect to recent college graduates in numerous fields, receive full medical and dental benefits, have 30 days of paid vacation per year and have outstanding continuing educational opportunities, among many other benefits.

Students may join the ROTC program as freshmen, sophomores, or juniors (two-year program) with the attendance of summer camp (30 days) the summer prior to fall of your junior year. Email Mr. Julius Kelley at kelleyj@apsu.edu or Julius.r.kelley.civ@ army.mil for additional guidance.

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Student Account Services

Student Account Services provides student fee information, general payment guidelines and installment plans. The office also oversees accounts receivable and the cashier’s window. Fee deferments for students with VA benefits are requested through the Veterans Education Benefits Office (VEBO) at 931-221-7760.

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Office of the Registrar

The Office of the Registrar, located in the Ellington Building, maintains student academic records (courses, grades, GPA, transcripts, course substitutions, change of majors, etc.) and coordinates registration. The office offers a variety of student services, including registration assistance, verification of enrollment, loan deferments, transcript services, address and official name changes and questions related to graduation and course transfer equivalency. Registration information, including grades, is available through AP OneStop.

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Military and Veteran Graduate Recognition Ceremony

The Military and Veteran Graduate Recognition Ceremony honors graduating active duty and veteran students during the “All Hail to Those Who Serve” ceremony. Graduates are presented with a special military coin and cord. For information, contact the Newton Family Resource Center.

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APSU Military Alumni Chapter 

Each year, the APSU Military Alumni Chapter provides financial assistance to military-affiliated students through several scholarships including the Military Alumni Chapter Scholarship Endowment, the CSM(R) Sidney Brown Military Scholarship Endowment, the Mrs. Joyce Luster Military Scholarship Endowment, the CW3 (R) Scott Schroeder MilitaryScholarship Endowment, the CW4 (R) Joe Shakeenab Military Scholarship Endowment and the CW5 (R) Gary Linfoot Military Scholarship Endowment. The chapter also hosts an annual Homecoming dinner each fall to support our military-affiliated university areas and students.

To learn more about the APSU Military Alumni Chapter, follow us on Facebook @ApsuMilitaryAlumniChapter or contact the APSU Office of Alumni and Annual Giving at alumni@apsu.edu or 931-221-7979.

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Note: This section is not all-inclusive, but a resource for quick links to frequently sought services.