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Online Course Committee

Membership: 8 Faculty, 2 Staff (1 of whom is from Information Technology) 2 Students, and the Executive Director of Distance Education and 1 Staff from Distance Education serving as ex officio members.

Terms of Service: Members will serve a three-year term and can serve two consecutive terms. When consecutive terms have been served, a three-year break must occur before serving again.

Description: The committee is responsible for promoting distance education initiatives that directly support the institution’s mission, values and strategic objectives. The committee is also responsible for developing research centered best practices, policies and procedures that promote quality online/hybrid teaching and learning; examining institutional and instructional support mechanisms to ensure online/hybrid students have adequate and equitable access to services; advising institution on how to continuously improve online/hybrid faculty support and training; evaluating and recommending emerging technologies and technological infrastructure that support student learning in online/hybrid courses; and establishing and monitoring processes for the assessment of online learning effectiveness.

(Approver: Provost/SVPAA) 

 2024-2025 Membership:

Name Title Department/Area Service Term*
Alice LIn Faculty, CoSTEM Computer Science and Information Technology 2024-2027
Amy Hamlin Faculty, CoBHS Nursing 2024-2027
Pam Gray Faculty, CoAL Communication 2024-2027
Joanne Philhower Faculty, CoE Teaching and Learning 2023-2026
Alex Adams Faculty, CoBHS Health and Human Performance 2023-2026
Nancy Gibson Faculty, Library Library 2023-2026
Grayson Hunter Elmore Faculty, CoBHS Health and Human Performance 2024-2027
Ramanjit Sahi Faculty, CoSTEM Mathematics and Statistics 2024-2027
Breanna Stuard Project Manager
Information Technology 2022-2025
Kyle Christmas Executive Director of Accreditation and External Compliance
Academic Affairs 2023-2026
Cloe Armstrong Student Student Affairs 2024-2025
Katherine Lehtola Student Student Affairs 2024-2025
Anna Carrie Webb, Chair Executive Director Distance Education Distance Education Permanent
ex officio
Rachel Carroll LMS Administrator Distance Education Permanent
ex officio