Provost's Council
Name | Department | Phone |
Maria Cronley | Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs | 7676 |
Tucker Brown | Senior Vice Provost and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs | 7725 |
Felicia Nagel | Assistant Provost and University Registrar | 6648 |
Loretta Griffy | Dean, University College and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs | 7634 |
William "Buzz" Hoon | Dean, College of Arts and Letters | 7330 |
Mickey Hepner | Dean, College of Business | 7674 |
Lisa Barron | Interim Dean, Martha Dickerson Eriksson College of Education | 7511 |
Chad Brooks | Vice Provost and Dean, College of Graduate Studies | 7414 |
Dlynn Williams | Dean, College of Behavioral and Health Sciences | 6105 |
Karen Meisch | Dean, College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics | 7780 |
Martina Malvasi | Director, F. G. Woodward Library | 7618 |
Amanda Wornhoff | Assistant Provost Institutional Effectiveness, Assessment & Research | 6769 |
Amy Corlew | Assistant Provost for Enrollment Management | 6131 |
Michelle Robertson | Faculty Senate Representative | 7489 |
For more information, contact:
Debbie Shearon
(931) 221-1016