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School of Nursing Team


Eve Rice Director of Nursing headshot

Mary Eve Rice, DNP, APRN, CPNP
Director of Nursing
E-mail: ricem@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-7483
Office: MC 218


Bettina Shank, DNP, RN, CNE
Assistant Director, Associate Professor
Email: shankb@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-6344
Office: MC 218

Shirley Tabb
Administrative Assistant to the Director of Nursing
E-mail: tabbs@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-7737
Office: MC 218

We have fantastic student workers who help run our nursing office each semester and are an integral part of our team!


Tasha Ruffin , DNP, RN
Associate Professor,
Prelicensure BSN Program Facilitator
Email: ruffint@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-6479
Office: MC 303


Meg Bryant
BSN Clinical Coordinator
E-Mail: bryantm@apsu.edu 
Phone: 931-221-7462
Office: MC 353D


Ruth Trotter
BSN Clinical and AMEDD Coordinator
E-Mail: trotterr@apsu.edu 
Phone: 931-221-1612
Office: MC 353D


Kristen Butler, DNP, MSN, RN
Associate Professor
E-mail:  butlerk@apsu.edu
Phone:  931-221-6339
Office:  McCord 312

Deborah Ellison, PhD, MSN, RN
E-mail: ellisond@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-7491
Office: MC 311

Tina Grimsley
Tina Grimsley, EdS.
Nursing Advisor Coordinator
E-Mail: grimsleyt@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-7708
Office: MC 322

Kristen Hershey, PhD, RN, APRN, CNE, PMHNP-BC
Email: hersheyk@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-7823
Office: MC 325

Horton Headshot
Shala R Horton, MSN, RN, EMTP
Clinical Assistant Professor
E-mail: hortons@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-7710
Office: MC 316B

Wendell Soares, (USA Ret), MSN, EMTP, RN
Clinical Assistant Professor
E-mail: soaresw@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-6245
Office: MC 309

Professor Stone
Devona Stone, MSN, APRN, NP-C
Clinical Assistant Professor
E-mail: stoneda@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-7705
Office: MC 306

Professor Sutton
Lori Sutton, MSN, RN
Assistant Professor
E-mail: suttonl@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-6291
Office: MC 314

Rachel Taylor Headshot
Rachel Taylor, MSN, RN
Clinical Assistant Professor
E-mail: taylorra@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-6229
Office: MC 316A

Adrienne Wilk headshot
Adrienne Wilk, Ph.D., RN, CHSE, CNE, CHSOS-A
Assistant Professor
E-mail: wilka@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-7528
Office: MC 341B



Terri Clark, Ed.D., MSN, RN
Associate Professor
RN to BSN Program Facilitator
Email: clarkt@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-7469
Office: MC 307


Dr. Pappas

Jenny Pappas, DNP, APRN, FNP-C
Assistant Professor
Email: pappasj@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-6359
Office: MC 306


Oliver headshot
Meghan Oliver
RN to BSN Advisor
Email: oliverm@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-7709
Office: MC 336A


Michele Robertson, DNP, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC
Graduate Program Coordinator
Email: robertsonm@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-7489
Office: MC 328



Dr. Leslie Binford

Leslie Binford  DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC
Assistant Professor
Phone: 931-221-7739
Office: MC 305


Amy C. Black, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, ME
Associate Professor
E-mail: blackac@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-7486
Office: MC 330

Elizabeth Eversole, MS, MBA
Graduate Clinical Coordinator
Phone: 931-221-6281
Office: MC 332

Amy Hamlin, PhD, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC
E-mail: hamlina@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-7497
Office: MC 326

Shondell Hickson, DNP, MSN, APRN, ACNS-BC, FNP-BC
Email: hicksons@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-7172
Office: MC 313
Wilk headshot
Adrienne Wilk, Ph.D., RN, CHSE, CNE, CHSOS-A
Assistant Professor
Email: wilka@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-7528
Office: MC 341B

 Dr. Debra Wilson

Debra Rose Wilson, PhD, MSN, RN, AHN-BC, CHT, SGAHN
Lenora C. Reuther Chair of Excellence
E-mail: wilsondr@apsu.edu
Phone: 931-221-6472
Office: MC 324

Dr. Wilson came to Austin Peay in 2017 and was the 2020 winner of the APSU Richard M Hawkins Award for noteworthy contributions to scholarship. She has an MSN in Holistic Nursing and a PhD in Health Psychology with a focus in Psychoneuroimmunology. She practices and teaches hypnotherapy. Dr. Wilson has more than 200 publications and is an internationally known speaker on stress and its management, and she was the 2017-2018 American Holistic Nurse of the year.

Doris Davenport DSN, MSN, APRN, PNP
Professor Emeritus