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Graduate Faster – Take A Winter Term Course

Student in the Kimbrough Lobby infront of a Christmas Tree

Classes Start December 14th! 

Winter Term Information

Winter Term offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to complete up to six credit hoursin just 4 weeks.

Students may take up to 6 credit hours during Winter Term. Registering for a lecture course and the lab are two separate courses.

A course taken in the Winter Term cannot serve as a pre-requisite for a course a student wishes to take in the spring semester.

On dates the University is closed for year-end holidays, students will have limited online access to D2L support and support from other campus offices. University holidays are observed on December 25, 2024, and Jan. 1, 2025.

Winter Term Checklist

Welcome to the Winter Term! Stay organized and on task in the term by using the Winter Term Checklist. The checklist provides the steps you must complete to begin the term successfully.

Current Students Winter Term Checklist

New Students Winter Term Checklist

Explore your Winter Term options during advising and registration.

Winter Term priority registration for currently enrolled students opens October 21, 2024!

For more important dates, please see the Academic Calendar and look for Winter Term

Winter Term

Confirm Your Wintermester Courses

To confirm your courses in the wintermester, please follow the instructions provided on the Student Account Services website. For further assistance, don't hesitate to contact the Student Account Services department by email at sas@apsu.edu.

Winter Term Resources

Students frequently need various forms of assistance during the winter term. The following list highlights some departments that may support you throughout your experience at APSU. If you do not see what you need, search the A to Z index or contact The Office of the Registrar for direction registrar@apsu.edu 

Please remember to check business hours as the university is closed on some dates for the holidays.

Winter Term courses are delivered online through the D2L Brightspace learning management system. Specific methods and approaches will vary across programs and courses, so it is important to understand the expectations from the professor (this means reading the syllabus!) and to reach out with any questions. Free online tutoring is available for several courses during Winter Term. The Winter Term website and the Winter Term Student Checklist are also good resources. Below are the Top 10 Tips to help students be successful during Winter Term:

  1. Stay connected. Regularly check your APSU email and D2L pages for your courses. Log in daily to check emails and see if any updates or work are due in your courses. You can access these through AP Onestop.

  2. Reach out to your professor if you have questions or need clarification. Let the professor know who you are and which course you are in - many professors teach more than one course. Be patient, as it may take some time for the professor to be able to respond.

  3. Find a dedicated workspace. Your workspace should be quiet and free from distractions. Do not try to multitask. An ideal workspace is somewhere where you can sit comfortably, stay alert (desk, table, counter, etc.), and have room to spread out your needed materials (computer/laptop, textbook, notes, pens/pencils, etc.)

  4. Set a schedule and stick with it. Create a schedule for coursework (viewing lectures, reading assigned chapters/articles, working on assignments and projects, etc.) and stay dedicated to working on coursework during those chosen hours. Make a list of all your assignments and exams, including deadlines (on paper or in a digital format - whatever works best for you is fine). Do not procrastinate - Winter Term goes quickly!

  5. Communicate additional consideration needs to your professor. You need to tell your professor if anything is happening that will impact your ability to complete your coursework so that you can work together to find a solution. While the professor may be limited in how much they can adjust assignments and exams since the Winter Term is short, they may be able to offer a different solution or refer you to a person or department that can better help. (Examples of additional considerations: medical appointments that cannot be rescheduled, physical or mental illness, family needs, slow/low internet connections, limited access to a computer or needed device, etc. - while some of these can be avoided with foresight, sometimes unforeseen circumstances happen) 

  6. Think ahead and do not wait until the last minute. Read the syllabus and ensure you understand the course's required materials and online tools. If you need a textbook or reading materials, ensure you have them before the start of your course. If you have to use an online tool such as D2L or Zoom, log in to make sure your APSU ID and password are working, or if you do not have the needed software (i.e., Zoom), then install it and ensure you can log in before the start of a lecture or course. If you need accommodations through the Student Disability Resource Center ensure you understand and follow their process. There are many online resources for APSU students.

  7. Prepare for the unexpected. There may be bumps and hurdles along the way as you adjust to Winter Term. Learn and grow from your experiences. Perhaps you plan on completing an assignment after work but get home, and your internet is out, so you cannot access the needed information on D2L. How would you handle this unexpected situation?

  8. Stay positive and be proactive. If you experience any issues, see if you can find a solution; if not, reach out for support. An example would be if you were assigned an article to read, but the link posted in D2L is broken/does not work - what could you do to solve this problem? You could access the APSU library database to search for the article, reach out to classmates to see if anyone has a PDF they could email you, or email the professor to let them know the link is broken.

  9. Take care of your mental health. Be aware of your needs. Set aside time for self-care during your daily schedule. It is important to save time for yourself, whether reading a book, going for a walk, relaxing with a bath, working out, calling a friend, meditating, cooking, or whatever works for you to help manage stress - make sure you are taking care of yourself. See the APSU Health and Counseling Center website for more resources. 

  10. Be patient. Winter Term can become overwhelming if you are under-prepared or do not understand expectations. Ensure you take the time to set yourself up for success. Utilize these tips and resources. In addition, you can discuss your Winter Term plan with your family, friends, and support network so they understand your commitment and how they can best support you. 


APSU offers online tutoring through Tutor.com. Visit this website for more information.

Eligibility: Any APSU Student


African American Cultural Center Website
Clement Hall, Room 120

  • Technology resource rentals

  • Curricular and co-curricular programing

  • Foster a collaborative and integrated learning environment

  • Facilitate the development of an appreciation for the African heritage and the African-American people

Eligibility: Any APSU Student or Alumni


Career Success Center Website
Morgan University Center, Room 210

Eligibility: Any APSU Student


Counseling Services Website
Ard Building

Eligibility Information


Student Disability Resource Center Website
TTY 931-221-6278
Morgan University Center, Room 114

Client Eligibility


Educational Opportunity Center Website
Toll Free 1-800-351-3382
Ellington Building, Room 333

  • Educational counseling

  • Assistance with applications

  • Assistance filing for financial aid and scholarships

  • Career counseling and planning

  • Online Resources

Eligibility: Any APSU Student


Center for Academic Support & Enrichment Website
Marks Building, Room 124

Eligibility: Any APSU student, staff, or faculty member, as well as the general public


Woodward Library
Toll Free 1-800-250-1890
Ask a Librarian

Eligibility: Any veterans, active duty, reservist, national guardsmen, retirees, ROTC students, and family members that attend APSU


Newton Military Family Resource Center Website
426 College Street
Clarksville, TN 37044

  • Texts for Vets

  • Spread awareness and advocate for military students

  • Computer and lounge area

Eligibility: Any APSU Student, as well as the general public


Registrar's Office Website
Toll Free 1-877-508-0056
Ellington Building, Room 316

  • Registration

  • Evaluation of transfer credit

  • Transcript requests

  • Graduation and degree evaluation assistance

  • Online resources

Eligibility: Contact for details about eligibility


Student Financial Aid Website
Toll Free 1-877-508-0057
Ellington Building, Room 216

Eligibility Information

Office of Study Abroad and International Exchange
Phone: 931-221-6851
Text: 931-444-5478
Fax: 931-221-6853
Located in the International White House at 325 Drane Street

  • Study Abroad Advising

  • Information About Obtaining a Passport

  • Pre-Departure Orientation

Eligibility and Application


TRiO Student Support Services Website
Ellington Building, Room 337

Eligibility: Any veterans, active duty, and family members that attend APSU


VetSuccess On Campus Website

  • Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor

  • Adjustment and career counseling

  • Peer mentoring and tutoring

  • Employment assistance

  • VA benefits guidance

Eligibility: Open to any APSU student


Writing Center Website


How Do I Get Started?

Winter Term priority advising and preregistration begins October 21, 2024 for currently enrolled students for Spring 2025.