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Useful Links / Information

CSIT Department Advisory Board (Program Constituencies)

Program Education Objectives (PEOs)

Student Outcomes (SLOs)

Continuous Improvement (apsu IE & Assessment)


Annual Student Enrollment Data

Annual Graduation Data

CSIT Department Committees

CSIT Faculty in College Committees

Definition and Duties of Course Coordinator and Instructor-in-charge

CIP Codes

Useful Links / Information

CSIT Department Advisory Board 2022-23 (Program Constituencies)

Job Title, Company Name

Benjamin Keith Bearden

Chairman of the Board, Lifebrands GmbH
Operating Partner, Advantage Capital
Advisory Board Member, NextWorld Evergreen

Robert T. Bauer

Director Quality, Land Based, Aristocrat Technologies Inc

Cindy Cullen

Staff Developer Support Engineer, Algolia
Senior Software Engineer, RedTree Albums
Founder, Cullen Web Services

Nikki Hughes

Product Manager, Realtracs (Brentwood, TN)

Judy Molnar

Ex-CIO, Associate Vice President, Austin Peay State University (Retired)

Robert Sisneros

Senior Research Scientist, Data Analysis and Visualization, National Center for Supercomputing Applications

Matt Stokes

IT Director, Application Development, Trane

Joseph Elarde
Kriti Chauhan

B.S. CIS Program Coordinator / Champion, Faculty, Department of Computer Science & IT

James Church

B.S. CIT Program Coordinator / Champion, Faculty, Department of Computer Science & IT

Saeed Samadi-Dana

B.S. CS Program Coordinator / Champion, Faculty, Department of Computer Science & IT

Jiang Li

Graduate Program Coordinator / Champion, Faculty, Department of Computer Science & IT

Thomas M. Simmons

Undergraduate Student, B.S. CIS, Department of Computer Science & IT

Nicholas A. Fox

Undergraduate Student, B.S. CIT, Department of Computer Science & IT

Rashaad H. Washington

Undergraduate Student, B.S. CS, Department of Computer Science & IT


APSU CSIT Advisory Board Chapter Description
---- Developed by Board Member Judy Molnar. Approved by 2021-22 Board.
The Computer Science/Information Technology Board was established in 2020. The primary mission of the Board is to provide advice and guidance related to the programs’ curriculum, educational objectives and learning outcomes. The members are selected by the department chairperson and are seen as leaders and professionals in the information technology industry. Advisory Board meetings are usually held once a year and normally last one or two hours and are scheduled to avoid significant conflict with professional responsibilities. Meeting frequency may vary according to the needs of the department.


Program(s) Constituencies

The program constituencies consist of

  1. The CSIT Department Advisory Board, which contains representatives from
    • Current students of the program
    • Alumni of our program
    • Employers of our graduates
    • Industry partners
  2. Faculty of the department (representatives are in the Advisory Board)

Program Education Objectives (PEOs)

Student Outcomes (SLOs) : (2023-24 Criteria)

Continuous Improvement (apsu Institutional Effectiveness
& Assessment)

Continuous Improvement / Assessment Plan
- The plan is for assessing the Student Outcomes (SLOs) above, hence achieving continuous improvement actions.

Curriculum : (2023-24 Criteria CS/CIS/CIT)

Program Curriculum - All B.S. Programs

Annual Student Enrollment Data

Annual Graduation Data

CSIT Department Committees

Members (AY 2024-25)

ABET / SACSCOC Committee

Dr. Nicholas Coleman (Chair), Dr. Leong Lee, Dr. John Nicholson, Dr. Jiang Li

Assessment Committee

Dr. Yingbing Yu (Chair), Dr. Coleman, Dr. Kriti Chauhan (CIS PC), Dr. James Church (CIT PC), Dr. Saeed Samadi-Dana (CS PC), Dr. Jiang Li (Graduate PC)

Policy Committee

Dr. Jiang Li (Chair), Mr. Barry Bruster, Need one more member

College of Graduate Studies
Graduate Program Coordinators

Dr. Jiang Li --- M.S./PSM CSQM - Data Management and Analysis Concentration

Dr. Mir Hasan --- M.S./PSM CSQM - Cybersecurity Concentration

Award/Scholarship Committee

Dr. Yingbing Yu (Chair), Dr. Alice Lin, Dr. James Church

Curriculum Committee

Curriculum Committee chair - Dr. John Nicholson
-- Representative to the college curriculum committee
-- Manages Curriculog forms for dept
B.S. CIS Program Coordinator -  Dr. Kriti Chauhan
B.S. CIT Program Coordinator
- Dr. James Church
B.S. CS Program Coordinator - Dr. Saeed Samadi-Dana
Graduate Program Coordinator - Dr. Jiang Li

The curriculum chair will provide a summary at each department meeting for all decisions made by the committee.
The majority of department curriculum proposals will be voted on and approved by this committee. However, the department chair can designate a proposal is a “substantive change”, e.g. creation of a new degree or minor. Proposals designated as a substantive change will be presented to and voted on by the whole department rather than the committee.

CSCI Program Coordinators will be individuals in the department who are the advocate person for a program within the department.  
-- A program coordinator will be designated by the department chair, one senior faculty member for each undergraduate degree 
-- One senior faculty member for the graduate program (MS/PSM/Certificates). This is not a replacement for the graduate program coordinators for the College of Graduate Studies.
-- When a new undergraduate degree is created, a new program coordinator for that degree will be designated.
-- Responsibilities of program coordinators 
----- Be a member of the Department Curriculum Committee
----- Be a member of the Department Assessment Committee
----- Be a member of the Department Advisory Board
----- Ensure the degree maps to ABET accreditation requirements 
----- Ensure the degree maps to SACSCOC accreditation requirements
----- Ensure the degree maps closely to ACM recommendations 
----- Work with faculty in designated classes in the degree that are required to have an assessment plan and ensure the plan is being followed each semester 
----- Advises the department chair and department of changes that may need to be made to ensure the program continues to meet accreditation

CSIT Faculty in College / Selected University Committees

Members (AY 2024-25)

Department Retention/Tenure Committee

Dr. Jiang Li, Dr. Yingbing Yu, Dr. John A. Nicholson, Dr. Nicholas Coleman, Dr. James Church, Dr. Alice Lin, Dr. Leong Lee

Department Promotions Committee to Full Professor

Dr. Jiang Li, Dr. Yingbing Yu, Dr. John Nicholson, Dr. Leong Lee

Department Recruitment / Search Committee

All Full-time Faculty (with Ph.D.) in CSIT Department, Core Work Team: Dr. James Church, Dr. Kriti Chauhan, Dr. Mir Hassan, Dr. Leong Lee

Department GTA(GA) Hiring Committee

Dr. Hasan, Dr. Jiang Li, Dr. James Church, Dr. Saeed Samadi-Dana, Dr. Leong Lee

College Curriculum Committee

Dr. John Nicholson (Representative)

College Retention / Tenure Committee

Dr. James Church (Representative)

College Promotions Committee

Dr. Yingbing Yu (Representative)

Quote APSU Policy 2:063: "At the college level, only tenured full Professors are eligible to serve on the college promotions committee."

CoSTEM Diversity & Inclusion Committee

Dr. Majdi Lusta

CoSTEM IT Advisory Committee

Dr. Saeed Samadi-Dana (CSIT Lab Director)

APSU University Curriculum Committee

Dr. Nicholas Coleman

APSU Faculty Senate

Dr. Nicholson, Dr. Alice Lin, Dr. Mir Hassan

APSU Tenure and Appeals Board

Dr. Jiang Li (if needed)

Definition and Duties of Course Coordinator and Instructor-in-charge

Course Coordinator – 1 Person (3 years), Normally Full-time Faculty

Instructor-in-charge (each semester)

CIP Codes

Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) is a taxonomy of academic programs developed by the US Department of Education.
CIP Site (ed.gov)