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Distance Education provides and supports the SmarterMeasure Learning Readiness Indicator in UNIV 1000, the university's transition to college course.  SmarterMeasure assists students in assessing, understanding, and improving the attributes, skills, and knowledge needed to thrive in self-directed learning as experienced in college and especially so in online courses.

SmarterMeasure is a 30-40 minute online assessment.  Immediately upon completing, students are provided with a personalized readiness report that outlines their strengths, opportunities, and resources for improvement.  The assessment and report results are then discussed throughout UNIV 1000. 

Check out this quick FAQ sheet information at a glance. Additionally, this detailed description will allow you to take a comprehensive view of the SmarterMeasure assessment and the subsequent reports. SmarterMeasure is a useful tool and this rationale offers insights into why the assessment is beneficial to learners.

To learn more about SmarterMeasure, please explore the information below.  Should you have any questions or comments, please contact Distance Education at online@apsu.edu.

Scales and Sub-Scales

All eight components of SmarterMeasure (life factors, individual attributes, learning styles, technical competency, technical knowledge, LMS competency, reading skills, and typing skills) are grounded in theoretical research and practice.  Learn more about the eight SmarterMeasure scales with this SmarterMeasure Scales PDF.  As you familiarize yourself with SmarterMeasure, you will find that this content is relevant to all students.  Time management, procrastination, asking for help, technology skills, etc. are attributes and skills essential to being successful in college and life.

table containing the SmarterMeasure scales, see the PDF link for accessible version

D2L Integration

SmarterMeasure is pre-loaded into the UNIV 1000 course within D2L.  No additional set up is required; unless, the instructor plans to use date restrictions (more information below). The SmarterMeasure assessment is tied to the D2L gradebook.  As students exit the assessment, whether they complete it in full or have used the Stop and Return Later button, students will be notified and the gradebook will automatically update based on the percentage of the assessment they have completed.  Students are not graded on their scores in the individual sections. 

Instructors can also set dates in D2L to control access to SmarterMeasure.  To do this, select the drop down menu arrow next to the link for SmarterMeasure in your course and then select "Edit Properties In-Place."  The options are to enter a start, end, and/or due date; any or all can be used.  The date options are explained below.

  • Start Date - Before the start date, students can see the SmarterMeasure link in D2L but they cannot select it.
  • Due Date - After the due date passes, students can still see and access the link.  If they complete SmarterMeasure after the due date passes, the gradebook will still update with a new grade and it will overwrite any grade the instructor may have manually entered.
  • End Date - After the end date passes, students can still see the link to SmarterMeasure but they cannot select it; therefore, they can no longer receive a grade or access their SmarterMeasure report.  If you use the end date, make sure you have students save their reports before the end date passes.

Discussion and Engagement

As part of the UNIV 1000 curriculum, instructors will be asked to engage with their students on the SmarterMeasure topics and their personalized results.  Below are resources to assist in this effort as well as additional suggestions to further integrate SmarterMeasure into the course.

Reading the Student Readiness Report

Immediately upon completing the SmarterMeasure assessment, students are provided with their personalized readiness report.  To access this report, students will select the link in D2L to the assessment like they did initially to complete it.  Students must complete the assessment in full to receive a readiness report.  Instructors will not have access to see students' readiness reports until after students begin taking the assessment. 

You can view a PDF example of a student readiness report (opens new window).  Use this sample report to follow along with the rest of this section.  Please keep in mind that the sample report does not contain APSU specific text and branding like our students' actual readiness reports. 

The readiness report provides the student with a summary and then detailed results for each of the scales and sub-scales.  The report lists results both numerically and with a color coded scale.  From blue for strength to red for opportunity for improvement.  The summary is mostly graphical and shows the students overall results in the eight scales measured.  The summary is a great place for students to see which areas they should focus on as they are reading their report and working to improve their skills.  For each of the scales, students are provided with a short narrative on what each section measures and why. The student’s overall scale result is provided in text as well as graphically.  This is followed by breaking the scale up into its sub-scales.  Based on the students score in each sub-scale, they are provided with additional information about the sub-scale.  Finally, they are provided with resources for support.

The report provides options to Print/Download Report or Email Report. This is important for students to do so that they can retain this important information after losing access to the course.

Handouts & Videos

Student-Focused Handouts

SmarterServices has created student-focused handouts to align with the SmarterMeasure assessment.  You can locate and download these resources on their website (opens new window).  If you are a current UNIV 1000 instructor, you can find these resources in the SmarterMeasure module within your course section.  Examples include:

  • SmarterMeasure Technical Vocabulary Sheet
  • Tips for Successful Time Management
  • Controlling Procrastination
  • Pros of Online Learning
  • Be a Successful Online Learner
  • How to Stay Focused and Study Effectively for your Online Courses
  • And more!

Instructor Video

Current instructors, please view the video below on How to use the Instructor Dashboard.  If you have any questions, please contact Distance Education at online@apsu.edu or 931-221-6625.

Frequently Asked Questions

The SmarterMeasure assessment, used in all UNIV 1000 courses, helps students and instructors  identify strengths and opportunities for improvement for a successful college experience. Results are used for activities and assignments in the UNIV 1000 course.

The assessment includes questions to gauge strengths and areas for improvement in sections such as life factors, comfort with technology, and reading skills. Results create a profile that students and instructors use for course assignments and activities, and to ensure access to necessary resources. Review this Scales and Sub-Scales Guide for a complete list. 

The assessment is divided into sections and sub-sections. It is recommended to complete it in one session, but progress can be saved if needed. To save, finish the current page, select "Save and Continue," then "Stop and Return Later" on the next page. The readiness report will be available only after completing the entire assessment, which may affect grading.

Only the Reading and Typing sections can be retaken. For other sections, the entire assessment must be retaken, which may lead to inaccurate profiles. For retakes, contact the Distance Education Support.

Individual answers are confidential. Instructors and students receive a readiness report with results for each section. These results are used for assignments and discussions, and to choose resources for improvement.  Review this Sample Student Readiness Report for an example. 

Results are viewable immediately after completing the assessment. To access results during the course, click the assessment link in D2L. To reference the results after the course ends, it is suggested to save the results by downloading the report.

The readiness report helps identify areas for improvement. The UNIV 1000 course includes assignments and resources for these areas. If additional help is needed, students should discuss their results with the instructor.  Students may also refer to the "Resources for Support" included in their Readiness Report.

For assessment or assignment concerns, contact the instructor first. For technical issues, contact the Distance Education Support or use SmarterMeasure's "I need help" button for tech support.