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Distance Education provides access to Turnitin Feedback Studio (opens new window) for APSU faculty to use in their courses. Turnitin Feedback Studio, often abbreviated to Turnitin, provides instructors with the tools to deter plagiarism and provide personalized feedback using rubrics, drag-and-drop, voice, and/or text comments. Turnitin use can help streamline the grading and feedback process for written assignments, improve student writing skills, and encourage original work.

Turnitin is integrated into the online classroom as an option within D2L. D2L course shells are issued for all courses at APSU including face-to-face sections making Turnitin available to all. This integration ensures ease of access through single sign-on for faculty and students, creates the opportunity to link Turnitin Feedback Studio to the D2L Gradebook, and allows students to easily see when feedback is available for them.

Notice regarding the ETS® e-rater

After December 31, 2024, the optional instructor setting that evaluates assignment submissions for grammar, usage, mechanics, style, and spelling errors, called the ETS® e-rater, will be discontinued.


APSU users will access Turnitin through courses in the D2L Brightspace learning management system (LMS).  Access is not available at the Turnitin.com website directly.  LMS access uses single sign-on which supports user identity verification, complies with APSU password protocols, and prevents the need for users to maintain and secure an additional account.  Using the LMS also helps consolidate the learning environment and retains gradable items within the online classroom.  Directions on setting up a Turnitin assignment are available on the “Faculty – Enabling Turnitin” tab above, and directions for student submissions are available on the “Student Resources” tab above.

Faculty, please consider Turnitin's strong recommendation that the course syllabus of each course using the service carry a notice to the effect of the following:

Students understand that by taking this course any assignment documents may be subject to submission to Turnitin for the detection of plagiarism and AI generated text, and they may be included as source documents in the Turnitin reference database. Students are encouraged to review the Turnitin End-User License Agreement (opens new window)and the AI Writing Detection FAQ (opens new window).

If use of the service is instituted after distribution of the syllabus, then consider timely and equivalent written notice to students.

Portions of student's papers that are found to be the same as other sources stored in the Turnitin database will be highlighted and the sources identified in Turnitin. When the source is another student's paper, from any institution, only the portions of the paper that are the same are highlighted. Faculty and students cannot see the full text of the source student's paper. 

A feature within Turnitin allows faculty from any institution to request copies of the full text of student’s papers from any institution. A review by the Office of the Registrar, Information Technology Security, University Attorney, and Distance Education has identified this feature as a potential student privacy, FERPA, and intellectual property concern. 

Austin Peay State University has opted not to provide papers in response to these requests. The portion of the paper in question that may be plagiarized is highlighted on the student's paper and visible in the Turnitin Feedback Studio. This information will assist faculty in determining whether concerns about plagiarism are founded. Sharing additional information could be a risk with regard to FERPA and the student’s right to privacy, right to determine what happens to their assignments and could create intellectual property concerns. In addition, the paper content may be of a personal nature and result in the sharing of the student’s personal information such as their identity or other covered information in violation of the student’s FERPA rights.

Faculty do not need the other student's paper to leverage Turnitin for academic integrity. The paper section(s) that match content from the Turnitin database are automatically identified within the tool. Additionally, to file charges of academic misconduct, faculty only need to provide a copy of their student's paper and the Turnitin report showing the similarities highlighted. For more information about academic misconduct at APSU, please visit Academic Honesty and Integrity.

Important: matches between student papers does not necessarily indicate collusion or student-student plagiarism, but instead, it could be that both students plagiarized or poorly cited the same resource. The features within Turnitin can help faculty determine this possibility.

Faculty - Enabling Turnitin

More Faculty Guides

Faculty - Generative AI Resources

Important Note about AI Detector Tools

Generative AI like ChatGPT is widely available and is being used in higher education in both positive and potentially negative ways. One negative outcome, for example, is using generative AI to create content that one then passes off as their own. To counteract this, there is a push for AI detectors and many are already available. Please use caution with these tools and always review their terms of service, privacy statements, etc. Additionally, understand that these tools are not 100% accurate and accuracy varies by tool and the continued advancements in generative AI. Finally, AI detectors are not a simple solution to this issue. As they are not definitive, they can only act as a conversation starter.


Turnitin Insights: Key Recordings for Success

Putting AI Writing Detectors in Context
AI detectors are appealing as faculty seek ways to identify unapproved generative AI usage in writing assignments; however, are they THE solution to the AI cheating problem?  Not by themselves.  AI detectors are one piece, one data point contributing to the overall picture.  Instructional technology staff from Distance Education discuss this concept and delve into other pieces in the AI puzzle.  Get started with addressing undesired AI writing usage in your courses, learn about the Turnitin AI Writing indicator to which you have access, and discuss addressing concerns with students.
Watch the recording (opens new window)

Academic Integrity in the Classroom: Similarity & AI Indication in the Formative Space 
The Turnitin Similarity Report and AI writing indicator are best used to inform educator judgment, but are not meant to be the sole measure of academic integrity. Megan Sexton, APSU's Turnitin Customer Success Manager, focuses on how the Similarity Index and AI Indication reports are the same, how they differ, and how to clearly communicate with students about the writing process, guiding the discussion in a positive direction.

Watch the recording  (opens new window)

Turnitin AI Writing Detection

Turnitin offers AI detection capabilities that go a step further by also filtering text likely paraphrased using AI or a word spinner, in addition to detecting text that is likely to be AI-generated. Instructors can access this AI detection tool as part of their Turnitin Feedback Studio usage. Turnitin's AI Writing Detection FAQ (opens new window) notes:

  • "Turnitin’s AI writing detection indicator shows the percentage of text that has likely been generated by an AI writing tool while the report highlights the exact segments that seem to be AI-written. The final decision on whether any misconduct has occurred rests with the reviewer/instructor. Turnitin does not make a determination of misconduct, rather it provides data for the educators to make an informed decision based on their academic and institutional policies."
  • "We must emphasize that the percentage on the AI writing indicator should not be used as the sole basis for action or a definitive grading measure by instructors."
  • "Turnitin’s AI writing & paraphrasing features provide data and insight to enable educators to start a formative conversation with their students in conjunction with their academic misconduct policies."

Since this tool will continue to change and possibly often, we are providing links to Turnitin resources and information which should also be frequently updated.

Discussing Results with Students

Student Resources

Turnitin Feedback Studio is used by faculty through D2L Assignments to check for similarity and provide writing feedback.

Tech Support


In addition to the resources featured on our website, please visit either link for more options:

Contact Support

Distance Education provides faculty, staff, and student support for online teaching, learning, and technology. We are available Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm CT. 

Feel free to utilize the provided resources outside of regular hours, and reach out to us if you require further assistance during our standard operating hours.