Teaching at APSU
Whether you are a new instructor or a returning faculty member, this information is for you! Within this section, you will find helpful information to guide you through the process of teaching and assisting students at APSU including a description of helpful terms and acronyms, links to important information, and campus resources. Also, within the menu options on this site, there are links to APSU webpages for helpful resources.
Also included are links to external teaching resources for your teaching library!
Internal Teaching Resources
Inclusive Language: Tools-n-tidbits for faculty members from the Chief of Institutional Culture
Accessing Inclusive Language Guides
The Linguistic Society of America defines inclusive language as language that acknowledges diversity, conveys respect to all people, is sensitive to differences, and promotes equitable opportunities. It has the power to unite or divide us and can aid in helping students feel accepted or rejected. University culture shifts over time, and words and phrases used today may become nuanced in the future. For example, using the term “humankind” instead of “mankind” can ensure you don’t exclude anyone who doesn’t identify as a man. Some guides can help faculty members to encourage the use of language that is inclusive and free of bias in and out of the classroom. Whether that language is written, spoken, or visual, it should always be historically accurate, relevant, empowering, and respectful.
Faculty members can practice and implement inclusive language by reviewing inclusive language guides. Some resources can be a good start if you seek advice and direction on establishing inclusive language guidelines in your classroom. While some national organizations may already have inclusive language guides, it is always good to look at what other universities and colleges are doing. Focusing on inclusive language can go a long way in engaging your students and may avoid missteps where certain words can cause harm. Inclusive language makes students feel seen, heard, and valued while supporting an equitable campus environment.
Examples of guides for Inclusive Language:
CAFE offers teaching consultations upon request of a faculty member. All consultants are senior faculty members who are considered experts in pedagogy, best teaching and learning practices, and content experts. Faculty consultants are NOT part of your formal evaluation process, all consultations are voluntary, formative, and individually conducted.
Click LINK for more information on the consultation topics, format and how to schedule an appointment.
These resources are intended to help faculty and staff promote well-being in the classroom and in conversations with students.
Four interactive sessions have been held focusing on Physiological, Safety, Love & Belongingness and Esteem Needs. Click this LINK to watch the recorded sessions and download presentation materials.
The upcoming session focusing on the Self Actualization Needs of Students is scheduled to hold on April 3rd, 2023. Click HERE for further information and registration.
Austin Peay State University's online courses offer an interactive approach to education on a user-friendly platform.
WATCH the zoom recording for the Distance Learning - Online Teaching Training Session for Part-time Instructors.
Austin Peay State University’s Writing Center provides assistance with any kind of writing.
From personal writing, to professional pieces like cover letters and job applications to academic writing, no matter the class subject or assignment.
They assist all students: undergraduates, graduate students, full-time, part-time and those who are attending classes on main campus as well as Fort Campbell campus.
WATCH the zoom recording for the Writing and Learning Resource Center - Online Teaching Training Session for Part-time Instructors.
Center for Academic Support & Enrichment is committed to the success of the students at APSU. From peer tutoring, to the SI program, we have programs to help you succeed at Austin Peay.
WATCH the zoom recording for the Writing and Learning Resource Center - Online Teaching Training Session for Part-time Instructors.
External Teaching Resources
The Mission of ACUE "is to ensure student success and equity through quality instruction."
The organization "prepares, credentials, and provides on-going support to faculty in the use of evidence-based teaching practices that promote student engagement, persistence to graduation, career readiness, and deeper levels of learning."
They offer open enrollment courses. Visit their site HERE
As APSU's Center for Advancement of Faculty Excellence (CAFE) continues to grow and evolve, we hope you are able to find some valuable resources at these other established centers. If you encounter another university's teaching resources page and feel it worthy to be included on this list, please email Jeffrey Williams at williamsjj@apsu.edu. Please provide the link to the page, the name of the university, and mention what it was of particular interest that you would like highlighted.
There are national organizations, conferences and publications that focus on teaching and pedagogy along with other faculty development programs. Here is a list of national level organizations and teaching conferences.
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning is a robust, established and respected field of research. SoTL applies to all disciplines and all levels of teaching. APSU encourages SoTL work as a recognized and valued contribution to Area II: Scholarly and Creative Activities. Learn more about SoTL and how you might tap into this potential research outlet for your scholarship, as well as learn about the latest in evidence-based teaching practices across all disciplines. Visit the various links below to learn more!
Illinois State University - resources listed by discipline
Magna Publications is a communications company that publishes higher education newsletters and manages onsite and online higher education seminars, workshops and conferences. Magna Publications provides innovative teaching and leadership practices for educational professionals to use to ensure student success.