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SAP Academic Review

Beginning with the Spring 2020 evaluations, the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Academic Review may be completed online. The form should solely be completed by a student’s academic advisor (or someone in the academic department capable of advising students).

Advisors may access the SAP Academic Review Form here by signing in with their OneStop credentials.

Students should review the SAP policy to understand the guidelines to maintain financial aid eligibility. Students could need the SAP Academic Review Form completed for a variety of reasons, including:

The purpose of the form is to ensure a student can graduate within the maximum timeframe, while also identifying how many semesters the student would need if granted an approval on an academic appeal.

There are two sections on the form the advisor completes:

Once completed, the form is forwarded to the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships for review. If approved, the student will be placed on an academic plan either until he or she graduates, or until a good standing SAP status can be reached.