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Special Circumstance Request

A Special Circumstance Request form is completed when there is a significant change in the student's family income. This form allows the Office of Student Financial Aid to update the student's income information to accurately reflect their current financial status. This may help lower the Student Aid Index (SAI), which is used in calculating need-based aid.

The three reasons to complete this form are: 

If the student has any one of these reasons, they may complete a Special Circumstance Request as long as: 

Lewis is an incoming freshman this fall. After completing the 2024-25 FAFSA, the 2022 financial information they were prompted to provide did not match their current household financial situation. Lewis’s father was laid off from his factory job in early 2023 where he made approximately $60,000 in 2022. He has only been able to do contract work making $20,000 in 2023, thus their family had a large reduction in income between 2022 and 2023. If Lewis and his family can provide the necessary documentation, the Student Financial Aid Office can look into the possibility of lowering Lewis’ Student Aid Index (SAI), which is used in calculating need-based aid.

Christopher is entering his junior year this fall. He and his family completed the 2024-25 FAFSA with their 2022 tax information as requested. However, Christopher’s mother is a single parent and had her hours reduced at the restaurant where she works. Christopher hears about the Special Circumstance Request from an email from the Financial Aid Office, and decides to complete the request. In review of the request, Christopher’s Financial Aid Counselor sees that he already has a -1500 Student Aid Index (SAI) and is already receiving the maximum amount in federal and state need-based aid already. Unfortunately, the Special Circumstances Request will not benefit Christopher.

Heather completed the 2024-25 FAFSA on 12/28/2023 with her (then) spouse. She has since gone through a legal divorce. Heather hears from her advisor that she can complete a Special Circumstance Request to exclude her ex-spouse’s financial information from the FAFSA. Her ex-spouse worked as a truck driver making around $55,000 annually, and Heather has not worked since 2021 so that she can focus on school. When her ex-spouse’s financial information was excluded, her Student Aid Index (SAI) was lowered enough to make her eligible for need-based aid.

Note: If a student is only Independent based on being married, after a divorce they will revert to a Dependent status and require parental data to be included on the FAFSA.

Simone comes to the Financial Aid office stating that she has separated from her spouse since the time she completed the 2024-25 FAFSA. She states that she has not yet legally divorced the spouse, but wants to know if she has any options to exclude the spouse’s information from the FAFSA. Simone and her spouse both earned above average incomes in 2022. After providing appropriate documentation regarding the separation, Simone’s Financial Aid Counselor finds that even without the spouse’s financial information included it did not lower Simone’s Student Aid Index (SAI) enough to provide her with additional need-based aid.

John’s spouse lost a battle with cancer in 2023, and he heard from a friend that he could complete a Special Circumstance Request with the Financial Aid Office to see if his spouse’s income could be excluded from his eligibility for need-based aid. John’s spouse worked as a scientist in a laboratory making roughly $115,000 annually. John provides all necessary documentation to the Financial Aid Office, and his Counselor finds that when his spouse’s financial information is excluded that his Student Aid Index (SAI) is lowered drastically. He now has an SAI that will make him eligible for need-based aid.

Stacy, a freshman, lost her mother in 2023. She plans to complete a Special Circumstance Request to attempt to get more financial aid to help pay her tuition and fees. She provides the Death Certificate to the Financial Aid Office. Stacy also informs the office that she received a one-time large financial compensation from a life insurance policy that her mother owned through her employer. After taking all of the information provided into account, Stacy’s Financial Aid Counselor concludes that a Special Circumstance Request would not benefit her due to the large benefit received.

Students who wish to complete a special circumstances request may complete one of the following forms:

2024-2025 Dependent Student Form
2024-2025 Independent Student Form

2025-2026 Dependent Student Form
2025-2026 Independent Student Form

*In the event that a dependent student's only parent listed on the FAFSA passes away, that student does not need to complete a special circumstance request. Rather, if the student does not maintain a relationship with their other parent, they may qualify for a dependency override.