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Summer Financial Aid

We understand that financing your education is an important aspect of your academic journey. Whether you are a new student, a returning student, or a transfer student, we are here to assist you in navigating the various financial aid options available.

The Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships is gearing up to begin awarding students for the upcoming summer terms starting mid March. It's important to note that there isn't a separate application for summer financial aid. If you do not receive an award offer notification, it indicates you may not be eligible for summer aid.

Awarding Information

Determining eligibility relies on the 2024-2025 FAFSA and adheres to general requirements for financial aid disbursement, including Course Choice Counts as outlined in the General Information. It's important to note that future funds from the 2025-2026 award year cannot be used to cover expenses for Summer 2025. Additionally, unresolved issues on student accounts could potentially impact summer aid offerings. You can review any outstanding financial aid requirements in AP OneStop using these instructions.

Federal Aid

Beginning with the 2024-2025 award year, Pell Grant disbursements are based on enrollment intensity, meaning your Pell award is prorated based on the number of credit hours you take rather than requiring a set number of hours.

Students who received full-time Pell Grant awards for both the Fall and Spring semesters are no longer required to enroll in at least 6 credit hours to receive a summer disbursement. All students will receive a prorated Pell amount based on their summer enrollment.

Students must be registered at least half-time to be eligible for loans:

Undergraduate: Minimum 6 eligible credit hours
Graduate: Minimum 2 eligible credit hours

If the maximum loan amount for the student’s grade level is received during the fall and spring semesters, no loan funds will be available for the summer term

Transitioning students (e.g., Freshman to Sophomore, Sophomore to Junior) may become eligible for the new grade level's loan limit at the conclusion of the spring semester.

Priority is given to current student employees. Any remaining funds will be offered to eligible students based on initial 2024-2025 FAFSA submission date and financial need.

Current federal work study students that are not enrolling in courses for the summer

The Office of Student Financial Aid will collaborate with departments to identify students who intend to work over the summer but will not enroll in summer courses. Should funding permit, these students may be eligible for summer Federal Work-Study opportunities. Review the policy for "Periods of Non-Enrollment" on the FWS information page.

If students haven't reached the maximum payment amount ($3,772) in Fall and Spring, they can utilize Teach Grant funds during the summer. Payment is adjusted based on enrollment.

Returning Applicants:
After Spring 2025 grades are reported, our office will evaluate eligibility.

New Applicants:
Complete the APSU Teach Grant Application for our office to evaluate your eligibility for summer.

State Aid

Recipients of the Hope Lottery scholarship are typically able to use the scholarships during summer semesters. Lottery recipients who are registered for summer are reviewed automatically and offered if eligible.


Just as in the Fall and Spring semesters, a student must be registered for at least 6 hours to be eligible for Lottery payments. Lottery students can now receive the award for an advanced degree. Students must still meet all academic and enrollment requirements to maintain eligibility. For full information on Lottery eligibility, review the guidelines

Students can enroll less than part-time if they meet one of the provisions below:

A semester leading to completion of the program of study
A semester where course offerings are limited to less than part-time
A semester where the student's declared program of study stipulates less than part-time enrollment

Students must typically be registered full-time (12 eligible hours for undergraduate) to be considered for TN Promise in the summer.


However, during summer, students can enroll less than full-time and still be reviewed for a payment. This provision only applies to summer unless you meet on of the provisions below. These eligible hours can span across the various terms available in the Summer.


Registered students who are eligible will be reviewed and awarded automatically. Please see our Tennessee Promise page for general eligibility information. This does not count against the 5-semester length of eligibility.

Tennessee Promise Exceptions:

A semester where the program of study stipulates less than full-time enrollment
A semester where the course offerings in the declared program of study equals less than full-time
A semester leading to the completion of the program of study

Students must typically be registered at least half-time (6 eligible hours for undergraduate) to be considered for TN Reconnect in the summer.

However, during summer, students can enroll less than part-time and still be reviewed for a payment. This provision only applies to summer unless you meet on of the provisions below. These eligible hours can span across the various terms available in the Summer.

Registered students who are eligible will be reviewed and awarded automatically. Please see our Tennessee Reconnect page for general eligibility information. This does not count against the 5-year length of eligibility.

Tennessee Reconnect Exceptions:

A semester where the program of study stipulates less than part-time enrollment
A semester where the course offerings in the declared program of study equals less than part-time
A semester leading to the completion of the program of study

These funds are available during the summer term if students have not received the maximum payment amount ($2,000) during Fall and Spring. Students must be enrolled for at least 6 hours to be eligible for a summer payment.

Summer II Information

For students enrolled in Summer II only, Financial Aid refunds will be processed on the Summer II payment schedule. When available, these dates can be reviewed through Student Account Services.

For important dates and deadlines, please visit our important dates page. Should you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. The Office of Student Financial Aid hopes you have a successful and rewarding summer semester!